Chaired by Club member Kevin, our speaker’s brother, we were very fortunate to have Molly Xiao talk to us about digital marketing this week.

Even though this are is foreign to many of our cohort, Molly went to great trouble to explain the acronyms she speaks in- such as SEO for  search engine optimisation, SMM for social media marketing and PPC for par per click.The NOOB grid defies the landing page of the medium.

Molly explained that different forms of social media are used for different purposes. Linked in is widely used for business to business communication, whereas business to community is the territory of Pinterest and Twitter. Social media has been  particularly altering how people access purchases in the COVID-19 restricted movement of people.  

Social Media is used to increase awareness, generate leads, foster relationships and learn about competitors. It is highly visual -  eg Instagram is only photos. Influencers are now bought to endorse products, and   as Rosemary W told me, is now a career for some people. Molly explained that posting should be timed right - such as at lunchtime when pitching to working communities, as this is when they check their phones!

Molly’s business can help posting companies find influencers, track engagement, and has a system called ORIENT to help businesses create a campaign. Rotary members get special rate, and it is used in the commercial, political and Not for Profit sectors.                

Knowing your demographic - what sort of people are likely to desire your product or service, is important in the global world of social media, and it is fast-changing, buyers won’t stand for old content. Giveaways /prizes are often used to encourage regular returns to a site, such as by accumulating points each time or getting visitors to share their photos, uses of a product with the site.

Thank you Molly for tailoring  and simplifying a complex topic for our members. I doubt if there was one person who did not learn many new things and a many terms in this new language. Your business must be booming, and I expect many other Rotarians will want to learn from you, too.

Molly can be contacted via her email: