Rotary is a Service Club. Whilst we undertake a great deal of outstanding charity work, we also foster excellence in the generation that is following us. These Youth Service projects are wonderful examples of where we encourage young people to develop to their full potential.
Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)
RYLA is a week long residential program conducted annually and is aimed at encouraging and developing leadership, personal development and social skills.
As a consequence, awardees, aged between 18 and 25 years can more effectively contribute to their communities in a practical manner. RYLA provides opportunities for young people from a diverse range of backgrounds to come together to gain a better understanding of their own strengths and the unique qualities and abilities of others.
This Rotary club sponsors our awardees for the full cost of the program. Awardees are invited to meet our club members prior to the seminar and to report back after its conclusion. We hope that awardees will also assist us with a couple of shifts at the Camberwell Sunday Market. If you enjoy these experiences, you might even like to join our Rotary club.
The RYLA Committee ensures that a stimulating and informative program is presented which features prominent, successful young business and professional people who have a proven record of achievement.
The program is delivered by young people for young people and is held in December each year. Participants can nominate themselves to participate, or be nominated by their local Rotary club. The selection process includes a written application.
Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN)
RYPEN is a Rotary sponsored District Youth Service program. Year ten and eleven students, from schools across our District 9800 attend a weekend long camp designed at developing their potential through a mixture of lecture style sessions and adventure-based learning.
Its aim is to communicate to young people a series of ideas, problems and social experiences which will assist them in forming their own values and moral standards. A program of thought provoking speakers, social situations and personal challenges is offered. District 9800 Rotaractors act as facilitators for the camp, leading groups of students and running the sessions. Camps are held in October and March each year.
Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA)
M.U.N.A. simulates the workings of the U.N. assembly by having teams of two students represent a particular U.N. country. Topics are debated on matters of world political and social concern. It is held over a week-end to give sufficient time for all participants to become involved. The main aim is to develop an awareness of the United Nations in students as well as international situations of other countries and to encourage students to study topics from another country’s perspective.
The objective is to encourage young people to learn respect and tolerance for people of all races, religions and nationalities. They do this by debating U.N. topics from their given countries perspectives.
Rotary Youth Exchange
Our club can sponsor you to become an exchange student in another country for a whole year. Letters_From_Abroad_2015 is a list of reports from the current Aussie Exchange Students who have recently returned from their year overseas.
Your family might like to host an exchange student from another country for three to four months. It is a very rewarding experience.
Contact our club’s Youth Service Chair if you would like to be involved with any of these opportunities.