Interview Skills
This program involves holding mock job interviews for Year 11 students at Camberwell High School each year. The interviews are carried out by Canterbury Rotarians and friends on an evening in the second half of the school year. Each student submits a job application which is forwarded to the interviewer prior to the night of the interview. After the interview the student’s performance is rated and feedback provided. In recent years the format has been changed to that of a careers night, at which members advise students about various career options.
Group Study Exchange (GSE)
Group Study Exchange is a Rotary Foundation program which enables teams of young professionals to exchange visits between paired districts in different countries. Canterbury has been a very active supporter of this program, as the following summary of activities demonstrates:
1987/88: Hosted incoming GSE team from India.
1991/92: Hosted incoming team from Florida,USA.
1993/94: Held welcome home dinner for team which visited Thailand.
1994/95: Hosted team from Bangladesh.
1996/97: Successfully nominated Sharon Owen as a member of the outgoing team to Indonesia, and hosted incoming team from Indonesia.
1997/98: Successfully nominated Rob Nankervis as member of outgoing team to UK, and held farewell function for the returning UK team.
1999/2000: Hosted team from Mississippi/Tennessee, USA.
2002/2003: Successfully Nominated Mandi Zonneveldt as a member of the out going team to Ireland.
2007/2008: Hosted team from Iowa/Nebraska, USA.
2013/2014: Hosted team from Mannheim, Germany.
2014/2015: Hosted team from Louisiana/Mississippi, USA.
2015/2016: Hosted team from the Philippines.
L-R) Billy Hooper, Courtney Bressack, Lyndsey Estes, Gerry Cross, Stella Connell, Graham Wigg, Kate Cross.
Industry Visits
These visits are organised for late afternoon or evening two or three times a year, in place of the normal dinner meeting. A tour of the establishment is generally combined with a meal, provided either by the hosts or at a nearby restaurant or hotel. The establishments visited have been many and varied, including the APM paper mill at Fairfield, the VicRoads Control Room, the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, the Visy Board plant in Dandenong, the J.B.Were stockbrokers offices, the Qantas Flight Training Centre, the Pacific Dunlop tyre manufacturing plant , the Tenix naval dockyard at Williamstown, Federation Square, Telstra Global Operations Centre, Carlton & United Breweries, 3RPH radio station for the visually impaired, the Ford Broadmeadows plant, the PMP print centre and Hellay Australia (hosted by Doug Hawley).
Ethics and Business Enterprise
A joint program of all Victorian Rotary districts to provide assistance in the education of children to appreciate the role of ethics in our society. Canterbury Rotarian Richard Pope was District Chairman.
Camberwell Job Club
Camberwell Job Club was an organisation which provided training and employment assistance for the long term unemployed, with the aid of Commonwealth Government grants. Canterbury members assisted with advice and background talks, coordinated by John Knights.
Interviews as a Part of Salvation Army Classes
The Club has provided funds and hands on assistance to support programs run by the Salvation Army. One of these Salvation Army programs offers assistance to participants with job applications. Members of the Club have undertaken mock interview with the course participants.
Theatre Sports
This was an original theatrical competition between schools. Canterbury organised the regional competition for the two years 1991 and 1992.
“Employ Australia” Campaign
Canterbury participated very actively in this nationwide Rotary campaign in 1994/95, designed to identify employment opportunities following the recession of the early 1990s. Each Canterbury member telephoned between 10 and 20 businesses in the Canterbury district to enquire about existing and potential employment opportunities. The effort established 44 jobs available immediately and more for the future.
Job Talks
Talks by members about their jobs and their industry or profession have long been a part of the Club’s program. The talks range from 3 minute summaries to full length expositions, and are always informative and interesting. These are in addition to the “Rotarian Behind the Badge” autobiographical talks. Members often comment that our own members are among the most interesting guest speakers. Past talks have included: Gerry Cross on “The Real Worth of Trees”, Doug Hawley on biochemical manufacturing, and Richard Pope on the insurance industry.
Business Boroondara
This is a new initiative which brings together local business people, the Boroondara City Council, Swinburne TAFE – Hawthorn Business Enterprise Centre and eight local Rotary Clubs including Canterbury. It aims to provide networking, training and mentoring under one umbrella organisation for businesses within the City of Boroondara.