How the US Electoral College Works, Stephen E Marantelli
Stephen E Marantelli is a Melbourne-based barrister, speaker and author. His historical book Three Brothers: When George Washington and Edmund Barton Sat Down To Dinner – is a witty behind-the-scenes peek into the rough and tumble world of nation building as told by the first captains of the American and Australian Ships of State. Stephen has a passion for America history, in particular the history of the presidency.
Talk outline
This year's US presidential election is guaranteed to be as rancorous as the last. And remember all the post-election acrimony in 2016 about Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote, but Donald Trump winning the Electoral College vote?  So, how do Americans elect their president?  Why did they invent this crazy Electoral College system and why do they still use it?  Is there any way to reform it?
Stephen Marantelli,