Doug chaired the meeting and what a meeting it was. 51 attendees including guests (and some were dignitaries!)
Full list below
Doug provided the thought for the day which was written by a journalist in the Philippines after she herself had had surgery done through the then Cataract Foundation (now the Eye Hear Foundation). Normally I would find an image to present the thought for the day but this photo says it all..

What poignant words and some that many of us who have been on the mission can relate when we see the results of our efforts.
On to Pres Elizabeth who introduced our guests
DG Michael Lapina (stepped in from the next door room where he was hosting the AGM for the District)
his son Alex Lapina
DGE Peter Shepheard
Philippines Consul Jan Wenceslao
Community Leader Michael Stilwell - Michael made the toast to Rotary for us - thanks Michael
Peter Baker and Michael Carriss from the Rotary Club of Essendon
Of course the 4 Orthoptic students who were our guest speakers
Angelica Tranquilino
Melissa Innella
Nikki Olds
Nikki Olds
Olli Staffieri - niece of our very own Ross Merolli!
Ant's wife Cheryl
his daughter Jemma and her partner Dylan Crombe
Pat Little
Rachele Stin
Stinoj Shaju
Eugene (call me Fitzy) Fitzwilliam and his son Scott
Tom Moreton - friend of Kyle's
Craig Smith friend of Steve C - we didn't scare him off last week!
Kimmy Nguyen Thoi - a previous participant in FORaMEAL and keen to hear more about what we do
and not forgetting Karin Simpson of course
Great turnout!
Here is the message from the Pres
Monday’s meeting was a true celebration! We celebrated the work of Rotary Canterbury, the Philippines Medical Mission and the ongoing, dedicated efforts of Doug Hawley to bring emergency food relief; hearing & sight testing & treatment; and education to people in rural areas of the Philippines.
More than fifty people were in attendance for the meeting mainly to hear the four sponsored Orthoptists report on their experience of the eye and ear screening mission to the Philippines and to see Doug be awarded a Royce Abbey Award! This was amazingly still a surprise to Doug, even though earlier in the evening he had chatted to two visitors, both past presidents from the Rotary Club of Essendon, who told him they called in to our meeting because “they were just passing by”.
Doug had no idea when he introduced DG Michael what was going to happen next, thinking he was there because he is of Filipino descent. Rather he introduced Peter and Michael from Essendon and told us that the Royce Abbey Award was begun in honour of past Rotary International President, Royce Abbey, who was a member and past President of RC Essendon. Doug was presented with a large box which contained a framed certificate, a lapel pin (which I was delighted to present to Doug) and a keyring. Congratulations, Doug on this most deserved Award.
The Orthoptists students’ presentation was outstanding! All spoke well and the accompanying vision was evocative of the places and the emotions and experiences the Mission involved. A common theme was their new found awareness of the differences in living, work and health systems between Australia and the places they visited. All were grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Mission and help people, something they are keen to continue in the future.
Also at the meeting we had our AGM where the following Board nominations for the 2025-2026 Rotary year were confirmed:
Secretary-Joe Flinn;
Treasurer-John Braine;
Club Service Director-Rob Simpson;
Co-Directors of Community Service-Steve Wylie and Ant Balocca;
Director of International Service-Ant Balocca;
Director of Youth Service-Anne Josefsberg; Director of Environment-John McCaskill ;
Director for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion-Jillian Woinarski and
President Elect Nominee (i.e. for 2026-2027 year)-Jillian Woinarski. I am most grateful for the service and skills of these people as the Board forms the backbone of our club. Unfortunately there was no nomination for President Elect. I urge each of you to consider serving your Club, and your community in this role. Two people could share the role if wanted. While challenging it is great personal development. Also, people tell me that it’s easier, and you are a better President, the second time around. Please contact me to discuss the possibilities for you to serve in this way.
Next week’s speaker is Margaret Chipperfield talking about family violence and the Rotary Safe Families Project. This will be a very important presentation about a most difficult community issue. Trigger warning: It is important that any potential audience members are aware that there will be some reformed perpetrators telling their stories as part of the presentation.
Make sure you have registered your attendance, or absence, for this meeting with Rob Simpson by Thursday afternoon.
The following week is a social games night at the Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre. Bring friends and partners to have a fun time.
Then our last meeting is our Christmas party at Tesoro Gastronomie, Doncaster Road, Nth Balwyn. I’m looking forward to a lovely meal there to finish off the year. Partners invited so book in with Rob Simpson.
Finally, remember those who have kindly volunteered this to help BCO collect suitable goods for their Christmas Hampers this weekend at Woolworths Camberwell, see the times and names below:
Sun Dec 1st 12:30-2:30 Steve Wylie, Rob Simpson& Tony Nguyen
2:30-4:30 Steve Wylie
4:30-6:30 Elizabeth Shepherd, Cathie Macmillan & Joe Flinn
On to the presentation for Doug
To those who know Doug well and that is most of the members of our club you know that he is a humble man who does not take compliments and praise easily. You also know that he is the key initiator and driver of our 3 largest projects.
- The medical mission to the Philippines where we support the Eye Hear Foundation in their charity work
- and the most recent Upskilling Project supporting students in the Philippines from disadvantaged communities by providing scholarships through college and university. This with great financial support from a major benefactor
Well Doug was very surprised on the night to be the recipient of a Royce Abbey award. A highly prestigious award given only to Rotarians.
Doug is one of only 530+ Rotarians to be a recipient and the first at Canterbury. Here is more information on the award Award | Royceabbey
On hand was DG Michael Lapina who gave us a little background on the award as well as Rotarians from The Rotary Club of Essendon Peter Baker and Roger Leask. Royce Abbey was a past member of RC Essendon and a past International President.

As all can attest a well deserved recipient