A very good turnout last week with members and guests keen to hear about the activities and travails of Patrick and Val as they renovate their recently acquired maison in France - more below
Welcome to guests
Michael Stillwell, Gilly Swinnerton, Jonathan Shepherd, Pat Little, Geoff Ballard (guest of Val) and Fotina Enweya (guest of John Mc)
Thought for the day courtesy of Rob S (and Oprah Winfrey)
oprah winery quote the biggest adventure you can ever take is to live ...
On to matters in the interest of Rotary
  • Thanks to Helen who advised of 2 upcoming social events.
    • May 5th - "Guess who's coming to Lunch" - always a fun event. Helen has asked for host volunteers - more to follow
    • May 20th - a visit to the Metro Tunnel works. This will be a morning session followed by a lunch close by ($22 special we are told)
  • Rob reminded us of the upcoming visit to Rimern on April 15th - the plan is to meet at Bass Care around 5pm and car pool - anyone with spac who can provide lifts? We have almost 230 who have indicated they will be going
  • Nora spoke about the packing recently at RMIT - Rotary Melbourne, Rotaract E club of Melbourne and RMIT University packed 12000 meals in almost 2 hours - we have some photos below
  • There is an upcoming packing event on April 26th at Carey Grammar - more details to follow.
Photos from the food packing at RMIT