Lets start by remembering this is ANZAC day and reflect on those who made it so that we all live in the world we can.
The Significance Of ANZAC Day, Lest We Forget
In the absence of Pres Tony. Pres Elect Elizabeth chaired the meeting and welcomed our guest speaker Peter Brukner along with regular guests Michael Stillwell, Karin Simpson and Pat Little. Also a welcome back to Geoff Ballard, friend of Val and potential new member?
Here is a thought for the day aligned to the topic of our guest speaker
Benjamin Franklin Quotes And Sayings (With Images) - LinesQuotes.com
and how about one a little more relevant?
"I'm the reason I'm overweight, No one made me do it. I did it. I'm also the reason why I'll be slim and fit one day. No one can do it for me. I can and I will" 
Presidential matters to start with
Elizabeth advised those gathered that there had been a couple of changes on the incoming board.
With the impending departure of Rosemary and Ted who will leave Melbourne soon and move to the "sticks" - well not exactly but Country Victoria - Ballarat the roles of Environment and Secretary opened up. Joe has kindly agreed to take on the role of Secretary which means he relinquishes his vocational chair. So we now have openings on the board for Environment and Vocational and Elizabeth is seeking expressions of interest to assist in these key positions.
District Assembly is coming up on May 19th and will be held at St Francis Catholic College, West Melton. This assembly will be a chance to showcase Rotary projects and applications are welcomed. Elizabeth has been asked to coordinate this so if you are interested in attending please reach out to her - Entries etc close on May 11th.
The day before that i.e. May 18th we have a function at the Canterbury Community Centre where we will run the bbq - great opportunity to get our name out there in the community. Volunteers required so please let Elizabeth know asap.
Matters in the interest of Rotary
Bob advised those present that the RORP programme has recommenced and the next playground removal will be in June/July
Val showed us a couple of works of art donated by David Shave. Apparently, she has between 30 and 40 of those and is looking for opportunities to sell them and riase funds for the club. Perhaps you know of a trash and treasure market we could use?
Helen reminded us of the upcoming "Guess who's coming to Lunch" social event on Sunday May 5th. This is a fun event and has been dormant for a few years. Did you add your name to the list circulated on Monday?  If you weren't there feel free to register your interest via the humanitix link below
Hans advised that he and Tony would attend the upcoming Swinburne Migrant Employment Forum on Tuesday May 7th. Part of the mentoring programme that Hans created and an opportunity, again, to showcase the work we do as a club.
Nora advised of the packing event tomorrow April 26th
Carey Grammar, 349 Barkers Road KEW. set up at 2pm - event from 3.30pm to 5pm
and upcoming packing events
Next booked events for the diaries :
Caulfield Grammar – Wheelers Hill  Campus
Wednesday 5 June at 2pm and event on Thursday 6th June  Time to be confirmed.  NB late press - this date has been changed to August 7th/8th
Caulfield Grammar – Caulfield Campus
Tuesday 18th June – Set up 11.30am  Event 12.45 – 3.30pm
A final and personal note from the Ed.  After a hiatus for a number of reasons I have registered to do the May50K again in 2024 - raising funds for research into MS. As I am sure other do I have close relationships (family and friends) who are suffering from MS so I'm doing my bit (and after Peter's presentation the walking will do me good). I have attached the link to my donations page below - any amount is welcome!