Thanks to Steve who chaired the meeting and Wayne who provided us with another thought for the day - a Chinese proverb which provides sage advice What does it mean? Well research suggests that it means that "patience and persistence can overcome any difficulty" A welcome to our guests on the night Gerry Cross Craig Smith (friend of Steve C) and of course, our speaker - Detective Senior Sergeant David Schaefer Message from the Pres It was good to see four full tables at last night’s meeting, despite apologies from several members due to other events. Best wishes to Jill Woinarski and Michael Stillwell who are away celebrating their significant wedding anniversary. Graeme’s partner, Helen, rang me with an update on his progress. She said that Graeme is now at rehab and will be doing three sessions of different types every day so will be very busy and quite tired. Helen suggested that he will be able to take calls on his mobile and looks forward to talking to friends, especially later in the week when he should be stronger. Steve C invited Craig Smith to our meeting to experience how we do Rotary. I was pleased to see many members talking with him throughout the evening. Hopefully we’ll see Craig again as he is interested in service projects like the Philippines Medical Mission. Gerry Cross attended the meeting, too, keen to hear the speaker, Detective David S. The first meal served buffet style was delicious. Members were able to serve themselves quite quickly, table by table, then enjoy fellowship while they ate their meal. Remember to notify Rob and John B on the Thursday prior to a meeting if you can’t attend, or the name(s), any dietary needs and number of any guests. The audience was fully engaged while Detective David from Victoria Police talked to us about his roles, crime prevention and Neighbourhood Watch. Then, always the mark of an engaging presentation, he was inundated with questions. It was surprising to hear a high proportion of stolen cars are taken from houses or cars which are unlocked! We are especially grateful that he was able to take the time from his duties to speak to us. Wayne again provided the thought for the day- see below. He has a vast repertoire of Chinese sayings and this one was again very apt for us as Rotarians. I’m looking forward to seeing a packed room next week for the report on the PMM Matters in the interest of Rotary Not much else to add. - Nora gave another call or help with the packing events on 21st, 28th November and 5th December
- We were also pleased to hear that some 1.1 mn meals have been distributed this year and there's more still to be sent out
- An invitation from Balwyn Rotary to hear from John Tyrrell the founder of Bjorn Again (ABBA tribute show)
Lastly - don't forget next weeks meeting - Doug and the students from La Trobe will be presenting on the trip and their take aways from it. Bring your friends and family!!