eBulletin Volume 38 - Issue 19- 16 November 2023
President - Tony Nguyen 0468 891 511
Club Information
Welcome to our Club
Service Above Self
Mondays at 6:00 PM
Canterbury Centre
2 Rochester Road
Canterbury, VIC 3126
0402 925 924
District Site
Venue Map


Register For A Meeting

Guest and Club Members can
register for a meeting on the following links:


Meeting Apologies
Notify meeting apologies prior to 10 am Friday to Rob Simpson on
Mobile 0425746991 or at 
and at the following link:
Last weeks meeting
Tony L hosted the meeting last week and started with the thoughts for the day - all around service (above self!)
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others" Mahatma Gandhi
"Earn your success based on service to others, not at the expense of others" H Jackson Brown Jr. 
Pres Tony welcomed our guests for the night - speaker Ken Maxfield, Annie Houghton and a guest of Eilzabeth's, Alison Knight
On to matter in the interest of Rotary
Pres Tony reminded the members present that there is the combined Christmas function with Camberwell. For those not wishing to attend the board will discuss the option of our regular get together "under the trees" more to follow on that shortly
from the floor
  • Anne thanked Elizabeth for the work she has done with Kew High and that ongoing relationship
  • Bob advised that Education Chances will have their end of year celebrations on December 5th and will farewell Helen Worladge. details below and here is the booking link
  • Bob himself is also retiring for the board of that organisation - he tells us all their replacements are more than capable, so the organisation is in good hands
  • Bob - RIMERN AGM held recently - a victim of its own success with over 30 agencies making use of their donated goods - NB currently they do not need mattresses but are still in need of small goods especially electrical appliances. If you have some or know someone who has some please let them know or hand them to someone who is on the volunteer roster
  • Val confirmed the FORaMEAL roster - details are included below
  • On the subject of FORaMEAL Doug advised that 100,000 meals will be sent to Ethiopia via the Rotary Club of Footscray - photos were received recently and have been included below
Important date - November 27th - its our AGM - John B reminded those present that nominations were due in now.  On that evening we will also have a presentation by the 4 Orthoptic students who recently went on the medical mission. Lauren Vernon, Kali Evans, Shawna Sapuppo and Lauren Sills. Doug advised that they had recently presented back to La Trobe about the mission and their presentation was extremely well received.
Last weeks speaker - Ken Maxfield

Ken Maxfield, who lives in Yea and is a member of The Rotary Club of North Balwyn, and a member of Rotary for forty-five years, spoke to us about the power of Camp Getaway and the way it affects those who come into its orbit.

This campsite is built for people with special needs. When Ken initially advocated for a campsite, he approached District Governor Vance Hilton, who liked the idea and agreed that it should proceed.
The Rotary Club of Bendigo had had a campsite since 1948 in Axedale, which they were no longer able to successfully sustain. The campsite was handed over to District 9800, originally called "Camp Milennium".
Various changes have been made over time, very significant ones, which have improved many lives. The campsite has been rebuilt to enable it to enrich the lives of those who participate.
Some examples include $65,000 worth of tennis and basketball courts, $3000,000 towards a commercial kitchen and cabins built specifically for wheelchair access. Other developments Ken outllined include $3.45 million towards an increase in insurance cover.

When Ken described how Camp Getaway changes people's lives, he described the way the area moves people to continue to return - the Alcoholics Anonymous group which has booked the zone for over eighty people until 2030 for meetings held twice a year. Also, the scrapbooking group which has booked the area for twenty-two years running and finally, on average, Camp Getaway with four to six bookings per year until 2030.

Individuals come to Camp Getaway and are inspired by its accessibility and encouraged to further grow and develop. He described the time when "Shine" used the site to assist children who come from dysfunctional families. The weekend made a real impact in their lives. He also gave a moving account of a motorised wheelchair user who excitedly responded to having a ramp outside his cabin.

Camp Getaway is indeed a dream that has been fulfilled. The story of this campsite, with its upgrades, changes individuals' lives. Ken presented us with the very essence of Rotary International - Service about Self.
FORaMEAL - latest meals distribution to Ethiopia via RC Footscray
Hows this for two recognised projects within our district? The Horn of Africa project of the Rotary Club of Foostcray combined with the FORaMEAL project of our club to send another container to Ethiopia. Jama Farah project lead, Doug, members of the local community and RC Footscray loaded their container at DIK ready for shipping.
Here are some of the many photos received
Next weeks get together Members and Partners social night 
Text Rob on 0425 746 991 if you can make it.
Upcoming ESRAG speaker - Charlie Thomas
Remote, Wild, Inhospitable, Beautiful
Discover what drew a diverse group of 22 New Zealanders (18-30 age range) to be part of The Antarctic Heritage Trust's "Inspiring Explorers Expedition to South Georgia in October this year.
Charlie Thomas is a conservationist, educator, and passionate about seabirds and remote islands.  He will share his life-changing experience (and fabulous photos) as a member of this expedition team, formed to honour the centenary year of Sir Ernest Shackleton's final expedition (Quest 1921–1922)
Tuesday 21 November at 20:00 (NZDT), via ZOOM link
FORaMEAL last packing event of the year
Wednesday 6 December 2023
St. Leonard’s College
163 South Road Brighton East.
Set Up 11.45am packing 1pm to 3.30pm
Giving Tuesday - Rotary Foundation November 28th
This global day of generosity is an opportunity for all members to make a big impact, with a gift of any size that supports projects you’re passionate about.

Here’s how to get ready for Giving Tuesday:

The Foundation will recognize the top three clubs in fundraising, donor participation, and online giving. Find out which clubs were recognized last year and set a giving goal for your club this year. Just be sure the gifts are made on 28 November!
RC Camberwell Christmas Party December 12th
For those wishing to attend here is the link
District Conference - early bird discount expires soon
Get in before the early bird discount finishes on December 16th 
Camberwell Market Roster
Last 2 weeks of the cycle,
John is finalising the next cycle - unfortunately due to lower numbers (members absence and withdrawals) we will have a reduced turnaround.  Please review the list when John sends it out and let him know if it is accurate for your own attendance
Lunch Group dates
Only 1 lunch date left till the end of the year. David will create the new roster soon so watch this space
December 6 Harp Hotel
Rimern Roster
RIMERN roster till the end of the year
Dec 7th - Ken, John P
Dec 9th - Cathie
Rotary Monthly Theme for April - Environment
Rotarians Live by the 4 Way Test
“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”
Helpful Links
Below are a number of links to websites that may be useful references.
Upcoming Events
Club Meeting - Dr Peter Bruckner
Canterbury Centre
Apr 22, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Club meeting - Dennis Shore
Canterbury Centre
Apr 29, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Club Meeting - Jill Forsyth
Canterbury Centre
May 06, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Club Meeting - Tracey Martin
Canterbury Community Centre
May 13, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Social - MetroTunnel
Metro Tunnel
May 20, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries (if your birthday is not recorded it is because the Club does not have it on our system)
Member Birthdays
Edward Waghorne
April 21
Jess Wilson
April 25
Natasha Facci
April 29
Join Date
Graeme Hindhaugh
April 1, 1990
34 years
Alan Stevens
April 7, 1987
37 years
Douglas Hawley
April 7, 1987
37 years
Max Holland
April 18, 2011
13 years
Helen Hartnett
April 21, 2008
16 years
Lili-Ann Kriegler
April 25, 2014
10 years
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Surrey Hills Physiotherapy Centre
Visit our website for more details of the treatment and services offered.
1/109 Union Rd, Surrey Hills VIC, 3127. We are located just south of the Surrey Hills railway station, with parking available in Peppercorn Lane, Union Road or Windsor Crescent.
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