eBulletin Volume 38 - Issue 20 23 November 2023
President - Tony Nguyen 0468 891 511
Club Information
Welcome to our Club
Service Above Self
Mondays at 6:00 PM
Canterbury Centre
2 Rochester Road
Canterbury, VIC 3126
0402 925 924
District Site
Venue Map


Register For A Meeting

Guest and Club Members can
register for a meeting on the following links:


Meeting Apologies
Notify meeting apologies prior to 10 am Friday to Rob Simpson on
Mobile 0425746991 or at 
and at the following link:
Latest news
Slow news week with the normal club meeting replaced by our social night - 
The bulletin contains details of a few upcoming events so ensure you read through- let us know if you want any more information.
The FORaMEAL team had a successful packing event at Strathcona yesterday 26500 meals packed! - thanks to Val for the photos
So, what's on next week?  John has shared the agenda so it's just to confirm that we will have our AGM - the good news being that all open positions have had nominations.
Also, we will have a presentation by 3 of the 4 La Trobe Orthoptic students who attended the recent Eye Hear mission - Lauren Vernon, Kali Evans and Shawna Sapuppo 
Finally, a call for one of our members to provide assistance to the club - Rob S has been running the speaker program as the Director of Club Service and this is a time-consuming job when he has other roles to fill.  We need someone to step up and be part of his team to source speakers for the club - The speaker program is very important as it attracts members and also ensures that our Monday nights are interesting.  District has a speaker coordinator who shares their list and also we can gain information from other clubs on their speakers.  There is a small amount of admin (arranging times, getting bios for the bulletin, hosting etc.)  Obviously, we are still interested in any speakers recommended by club members - feel free to send the information to Rob.
FORaMEAL last packing event of the year
Wednesday 6 December 2023
St. Leonard’s College
163 South Road Brighton East.
Set Up 11.45am packing 1pm to 3.30pm
Giving Tuesday - Rotary Foundation November 28th
This global day of generosity is an opportunity for all members to make a big impact, with a gift of any size that supports projects you’re passionate about.

Here’s how to get ready for Giving Tuesday:

The Foundation will recognize the top three clubs in fundraising, donor participation, and online giving. Find out which clubs were recognized last year and set a giving goal for your club this year. Just be sure the gifts are made on 28 November!
RC Camberwell Christmas Party December 12th
For those wishing to attend here is the link
District Conference - early bird discount expires soon
Get in before the early bird discount finishes on December 16th 
Regionalisation - the inaugural Regional Council

Congratulations to the inaugural Regional Council

 Clubs throughout Zone 8 have voted and the following members have officially been elected to the inaugural Regional Council. The council will commence operating on 1 January 2024.

A huge congratulations and thank you to all who participated in and supported the election.

Chair: Dallas Booth, RC of Turramurra, NSW, Australia (D9685)

Chair-Elect: Tony Heyward, RC of Tawa, New Zealand (D9940)

Rotaract Nominee: Eeshwar Rajagopalan, Rotaract Club of Subiaco/RC of Elizabeth Quay, WA, Australia (D9423)

Portfolio Lead: Major Fundraising and Grants: Dr Peter Rogers AM, RC of Melbourne, VIC, Australia (D9800)

Portfolio Lead: Membership: Andy Rajapakse, RC of Burleigh Heads, QLD, Australia (D9640)

Portfolio Lead: Service Projects and Programs: Madhumita Bishnu, E-Club of Melbourne, VIC, Australia (D9800)

Portfolio Lead: Public Image and Partnerships: Neil McWhannell, RC of Wahroonga, NSW, Australia (D9685)

Portfolio Lead: Learning and Development: Euan Miller, RC of Norwood, SA, Australia (D9510)

A suitable candidate for the role of Portfolio Lead: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will be appointed by the Regional Council.

Camberwell Market Roster
Last 2 weeks of the cycle,
John is finalising the next cycle - unfortunately due to lower numbers (members absence and withdrawals) we will have a reduced turnaround.  Please review the list when John sends it out and let him know if it is accurate for your own attendance
Lunch Group dates
Only 1 lunch date left till the end of the year. David will create the new roster soon so watch this space
December 6 Harp Hotel
Rimern Roster
RIMERN roster till the end of the year
Dec 7th - Ken, John P
Dec 9th - Cathie
Rotary Monthly Theme for April - Environment
Rotarians Live by the 4 Way Test
“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”
Helpful Links
Below are a number of links to websites that may be useful references.
Upcoming Events
Club Meeting - Dr Peter Bruckner
Canterbury Centre
Apr 22, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Club meeting - Dennis Shore
Canterbury Centre
Apr 29, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Club Meeting - Jill Forsyth
Canterbury Centre
May 06, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Club Meeting - Tracey Martin
Canterbury Community Centre
May 13, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Social - MetroTunnel
Metro Tunnel
May 20, 2024
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries (if your birthday is not recorded it is because the Club does not have it on our system)
Member Birthdays
Edward Waghorne
April 21
Jess Wilson
April 25
Natasha Facci
April 29
Join Date
Graeme Hindhaugh
April 1, 1990
34 years
Alan Stevens
April 7, 1987
37 years
Douglas Hawley
April 7, 1987
37 years
Max Holland
April 18, 2011
13 years
Helen Hartnett
April 21, 2008
16 years
Lili-Ann Kriegler
April 25, 2014
10 years
Subscribe to Bulletin
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Surrey Hills Physiotherapy Centre
Visit our website for more details of the treatment and services offered.
1/109 Union Rd, Surrey Hills VIC, 3127. We are located just south of the Surrey Hills railway station, with parking available in Peppercorn Lane, Union Road or Windsor Crescent.
To book an appointment, email us at or telephone 9899 0399
         George Pesnikas
         Mobile 0424 657 700
         Highly recommended by Val and Patrick Cunniffe and Gilly Swinnerton