Congratulations to the inaugural Regional Council
Clubs throughout Zone 8 have voted and the following members have officially been elected to the inaugural Regional Council. The council will commence operating on 1 January 2024.
A huge congratulations and thank you to all who participated in and supported the election.
Chair: Dallas Booth, RC of Turramurra, NSW, Australia (D9685)
Chair-Elect: Tony Heyward, RC of Tawa, New Zealand (D9940)
Rotaract Nominee: Eeshwar Rajagopalan, Rotaract Club of Subiaco/RC of Elizabeth Quay, WA, Australia (D9423)
Portfolio Lead: Major Fundraising and Grants: Dr Peter Rogers AM, RC of Melbourne, VIC, Australia (D9800)
Portfolio Lead: Membership: Andy Rajapakse, RC of Burleigh Heads, QLD, Australia (D9640)
Portfolio Lead: Service Projects and Programs: Madhumita Bishnu, E-Club of Melbourne, VIC, Australia (D9800)
Portfolio Lead: Public Image and Partnerships: Neil McWhannell, RC of Wahroonga, NSW, Australia (D9685)
Portfolio Lead: Learning and Development: Euan Miller, RC of Norwood, SA, Australia (D9510)
A suitable candidate for the role of Portfolio Lead: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will be appointed by the Regional Council.